Não sei...Je ne sais pas...(Notes de piano...)

Publié le par Rosario Duarte da Costa





Notes de piano...



Não sei

se sou pedra

    ou árvore morta

nesta terra


nem mesmo

se sou dia

ou uma noite

escorrendo estrelas

p’la terra inteira


nem sei

se sou terra

onde plantam

as lindas flores


no meu seio


e amores



se sou a luz

que ilumina

os teus olhos

ou bem se sou sombra

onde te escondes

nos meus olhos

Rosario Duarte da Costa


19 /10/2010





Vasco Martins         



Composer, pianist, guitarist, poet and investigator of Capeverdean music, born in Portugal(1956) to a Cape Verdean father and portuguese mother,  Vasco Martins makes his home on the island of São Vincente, Cape Verde archipelago.


Vasco Martins studied composition in Portugal with composer Fernando Lopes Graça and France with composer and maestro Henri-Claude Fantapié.


Back to Cape Verde, he began to compose symphonic music with "Danças de Câncer".


His current body of work includes  nine symphonies ,pieces for string orchestra, pieces  for classical guitar and fine electronic music. His work is deeply inspired by poetic and spiritual ideas, also reflecting the sea and natural landscapes of the desert islands of his homeland in the middle of the ocean.


He recorded about 20 albums.


Poetry books:'Universo da ilha' (1986), 'Navegam os olhares com o voo do pássaro' (1989), 'Run shan' (2008).


Performer and sound designer using the s. Kurzweil K2600 (see menu EM).


He performs piano concerts. Visit the menu piano  concerts for more details.


Selected discography


Quinto Mundo (1989)

Quiet Moments (1991)

Ritual Periférico (1992)

Sublime Delight (1997)

Danças de Câncer (1998)

Coraçon Leve (with the singer Herminia) (1998)

Apeiron (2000)

Lunario Perpetuo (2001)

4 Sinfonias (2007)

Lua Água Clara (2009)

Li Sin (2010)


Some first performances:


* “Danças de Câncer” (suite for symphonic orchestra): Futures Musiques, Conductor: Denis Gautheyrie, Festival 38ème Rugissants, Grenoble, 1993, Université Paris 8, 1993, Auditorium Les Halles, Paris, 1995


* Symphony 4 “ Buddha Dharma” (Symphonic orchestra): OSRV, conductor: Lutero Rodrigues, S.Paulo, Brasil, 2001, JPSD, conductor: Henri-Claude Fantapié, Aubervilliens, France, 2006


* Symphony 7 “Alba” (classical orchestra): OCC, conductor: Virgilio Caseiro, Coimbra, Portugal, 2005


* “Ocean in the Heart” (violin and string orchestra): The Borbaki ensemble, Conductor: David Angells, Sydney, Australia, 2004


* Dolphins on the Horizon (String orchestra): Sinfonia Toronto, Conductor: Nurhan Arman, Glenn Gould studio, Toronto, Canada, 2004.


*” 4 Notas na Cidade” (Clarinet and Classical orchestra): F. del  Valle, Conductor: Henri-Claude Fantapié. Clarinet: Bernard Crucifix Valle de Lauca, Columbia, 2006


* “Meditations”  (String Orchestra): Orquestra de Câmara de L’Empordã, Conductor: Charles Toli, São Vicente, Cabo Verde, 2010-04-28


* “Azul Atlântico” and “ Uviterramariceu” (string quartet), Artzen, string quartet, Festival Baía das Gatas, Cabo Verde 2009.


Some Works for classical guitar from Vasco Martins were performed by guitarists around the world: Andrew Mah, John Williams, Scott Morris, John Williams and John Etheridge, Jan

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